Principal: Jennifer Moore,
Assistant Principal: Zachary Stephenson,
Penacook Elementary School • 60 Village Street • Penacook, NH 03301 • p - 603.753.4891 • f - 603.753.6419
School Hours: 8:30 am-3:00 pm/ Office Hours: 7:30 am-4:30 pm
Our Mission
The mission of Penacook Elementary School is to create a learning community that ensures all learners actively engage in the pursuit of academic excellence, value lifelong learning and participate meaningfully in a global society. Our community will accomplish this by working collaboratively, communicating effectively, and fostering respect.
Aerial view of Penacook Elementary School
Don't miss out on any planned activities! Check the PES and District calendars (below) for important dates:
Bullying is an extraordinarily important topic facing students, parents, families, and schools. The MVSD is committed to increasing awareness and education, while proactively partnering with our constituents to end bullying. The following link leads you to a website that provides definitions, processes, and helpful resources in this effort.